Andrew R. Chivinski
Founder | Lawyer
1350 Colombia St.
San Diego, CA 92101
Mr. Chivinski founded the Chivinski Law Firm after 10 years of defending insurance companies and big corporations. He worked for eight years at San Diego' s best insurance defense and medical malpractice law firm, Neil Dymott Frank McFall & Trexler, and then for over 2 years at Morris Polich & Purdy - another big law firm that defends employers, medical device companies and nursing homes. He tried multiple jury trials to verdict and successfully defended clients in Courts all over the State of California.
After realizing his heart was no longer behind big, heartless corporations, he switched sides and now represents real people against those same insurance companies and corporations he used to defend.
Originally from Pennsylvania, Mr. Chivinski brings a blue-collar, East Coast work ethic and professionalism to bear on his practice. He currently resides in San Diego with his wife, Amber, and their three children.
Mr. Chivinski is a member of the Board of Directors of Consumer Attorneys of San Diego. He also serves on CASD's Community Service and Membership committees. Mr. Chivinski has also guest-lectured at his alma mater, California Western School of Law (Medical Malpractice Litigation) and Thomas Jefferson School of Law (Trial Skills). He is also a member of American Association for Justice and the Consumer Attorneys of California.
Mr. Chivinski has been published several times by the Trial Bar News and the Los Angeles Daily Journal. In law school, he completed an internship with the San Diego District Attorney's Office - Gang Prosecution Unit. Mr. Chivinski has also frequently volunteered as a moot-court competition judge. He has presented webinars on Maximizing Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases, Dealing with Medical Provider Witnesses at Trial in the Post-COVID-19 Era and, most frequently has also moderated multiple panel discussion presentations with San Diego’s top superior court judges. Also serves as co-chair of the CASD Education Committee, which puts on state-accredited educational seminars and programs for lawyers all over California.
Professional Background
Young Attorney of the Year, 2008
Young Attorney of the Year, 2011
'American Jurisprudence Award'
2008 San Diego Daily Transcript Young Attorney of the Year Nominee
2011 San Diego Daily Transcript Young Attorney of the Year Nominee
2013 San Diego Daily Transcript Top Attorney Competition - Semi Finalist
2015 San Diego 'Super Lawyer's' Magazine - Rising Star
Taking the Plaintiff’s Deposition, California Western School of Law,2009 to Present
Webinar - 'Damages in Medical Negligence Cases' - February, 2019
Webinar - 'Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Provider Witnesses/Defendants' - April, 2020
Webinar - "'Bench Trials': The Judge's Perspective'" - June, 2020
'Product Liability Doctrine Takes Hold' - Los Angeles Daily Journal, August, 2013
'Military Malpractice - The End of the Feres Doctrine?' - Trial Bar News, April, 2019
'Future Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases' - Trial Bar News, December, 2018
Classes & Seminars
Published Works
Admissions Details
2005, California
U.S. District Court, Central District of California
U.S. District Court, Southern District of California
California Western School of Law, Class of 2004, J.D.
La Salle University, Class of 2001, B.A.
Political Science
Associations & Memberships
San Diego County Bar Association
Consumer Attorneys of San Diego
Justice Headquarters
CASD Education Committee